Thursday 15 August 2013

Nous sommes en enfer

Oui, trop de morts; Bien trop. Et une seule mort était déjà une mort de trop. Mais je craignais bien pire. Je craignais des milliers de victimes.

Oui, il y avait peut-être un autre moyen de résoudre la situation. Avec des si, je serais belle, riche, et célèbre.

Baradei a fait son choix? Même sur le Titanic, les musiciens ont joué jusqu'au bout. Et il faisait trop chaud dans la cuisine?? Fallait pas devenir cuisinier....

Et vous, ceux qui vivez à l'étranger. Comment croyez-vous que tout cela allait se terminer??? Vous pensiez quoi, qu'on allait avoir une fin hollywoodienne, avec les Frères Musulmans se rasant la barbe et buvant un coup avec les Révolutionnaires de Tamarod?? Réveillez-vous, on n'est pas dans un film de Disney, c'est la vraie vie, la vraie mort, c'est une révolution.

Pour établir un compromis, il faut que les deux partis veuillent faire des concessions. Depuis des semaines, des mois, des gens criaient à qui voulait les entendre qu'ils voulaient être des martyrs, qu'ils étaient prêts, qu'ils voulaient, qu'ils désiraient la mort. Ce sont maintenant des martyrs. Et tous, nous pleurons. Leurs familles. Tous les Égyptiens. Tous les Hommes de Bonne Volonté.

J'ai vu des images aujourd'hui qui me hanteront pour le restant de ma vie. J'espère que les Martyrs sont allés droit au Paradis. Parce que pour beaucoup d'entres nous, c'est l'Enfer.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

We are in Hell....

Yes, there were far far too many deaths today. And yes, one death is one too many. But I was dreading far far worse. Death toll could have been thousands.

Yes, maybe there was another way to do it. But with “ifs” and “buts”, we’ll still have a King in France, and I would be beautiful, rich and famous.

Baradei made his choice? Even on the Titanic, the Musicians played till the end. You couldn’t stand the heat: Why on EARTH did you get in the kitchen???

And for you outside Egypt. How on EARTH did you think this was going to end? Did you really, really, REALLY believe there was going to be an Hollywood ending, with the Ikhwans shaving their beards and having a beer with Tamarod??? Wake up and smell the teargas and live bullets dear. This is real life. This is a revolution.

For a compromise, both parties have got to be willing. For weeks, months, people were screaming that they wanted to be martyrs, that they were ready, that they wanted, that they were wishing for death. They end up being martyrs. And we all cry. Their family. All Egyptians. All Men of Good Will.

I’ve seen images today that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I hope for the Martyrs they went straight to Heaven. Because right now, a lot of us feel like in Hell.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Dear Monsters..

Dear Monsters.

Please kindly stay away from my wall and my virtual world.
You will not make me change my mind and support you. Don't waste your breathe, keyboard and any other means you are using to make me see your point of view.
You have made a choice. It's yours. It never be mine. Ever.
Stay away from me.

Friday 26 July 2013

Facebook Time Wasters or Interesting People...

OK... For those of you who kindly send me FB messages to chat with me.

...You are trying to chat up me, you are wasting your time.
... you are bored and wish to have a lengthy meaningless conversation
... if you want to ask me questions which answers you can find on my "about" section
... if you wish to threaten me

You are wasting your time and mine.

... you have geniune questions
... you wish to pass me useful information
... you want to talk about a specific subject
... you are a real friend

I have all the time in the world for you and I'm ever so grateful you are in my virtual world...

Monday 15 July 2013

I am what the Angels have made me....

It took me a long time to come to terms with the difference between God and Religions. For years, I rejected God because of Religions. Then I learned about Gandhi. And I realised that what I was angry with were Men's Laws about God. Not God Himself.
God doesn't need religions. He IS.
In my opinion, Men don't need religions as much as they need God. He is sometimes a voice in your head. A warmth in your heart. The will to help that stranger in the street. But I don't believe in those dogmas imposed on us from ancient times, obsolete and dictatorial.
I don't believe in religions. I believe in God. I believe in Men of Good Will. And I truly truly believe Good will always win against Evil. Because we are People of Good Will.

We are as the Angels have made us.

Friday 12 July 2013

I'm still here - Sondheim...

Let's speak about Sondheim again. Yesterday, I made you discover (for a lot of you) "Passion" and the best text about unconditional love ever. Today, a completely different side of Sondheim. "Folies". 
An old Folies theatre is about to be destroyed. Old performers come and say goodbye to the place, with great stories/songs. One of the most famous ones, "I'm still here", that was sung by Shirley McLaine in "Postcard from the edge" with stlightly different lyrics, is the symbol of many performers like me, as in, not spring chickens, with great ups and a lot of nasty downs... 
I am giving you the "best of" those lyrics, some are a bit out of date now. But the core of it is just... so spot on.....

"Good times and bum times, I've seen them all 
And, my dear, I'm still here
Plush velvet sometimes
Sometimes just pretzels and beer, but I'm here

I've stuffed the dailies in my shoes
Strummed ukuleles, sung the blues
Seen all my dreams disappear but I'm here.
I've slept in shanties, guest of the W.P.A., but I'm here
Danced in my scanties
Three bucks a night was the pay, but I'm here

I've stood on bread lines with the best
Watched while the headlines did the rest
In the depression was I depressed?
Nowhere near, I met a big financier and I'm here
I've gotten through Herbert and J. Edgar Hoover
Gee, that was fun and a half
When you've been through Herbert and J. Edgar Hoover
Anything else is a laugh

I've been through Reno, I've been through Beverly Hills, and I'm here.
Reefers and vino, rest cures, religion and pills, and I'm here
Been called a 'Pinko', commie tool, got through it stinko by my pool
I should've gone to an acting school, that seems clear
Still someone said, "She's sincere", so I'm here 

Black sable one day, next day it goes into hock, but I'm here 
Top billing Monday, Tuesday, you're touring in stock, but I'm here 
First you're another sloe-eyed vamp 
Then someone's mother, then you're camp 
Then you career from career to career 
I'm almost through my memoirs, and I'm here 

I've gotten through, "Hey, lady, aren't you whoozis? 
Wow, what a looker you were" 
Or better yet, "Sorry, I thought you were whoozis 
Whatever happened to her?" 

Good times and bum times, I've seen 'em all 
And, my dear, I'm still here 
Flush velvet sometimes 
Sometimes just pretzels and beer, but I'm here 

I've run the gamut, A to Z 
Three cheers and dammit, C'est la vie 
I got through all of last year, and I'm here 
Lord knows, at least I was there,

And I'm here 

Look who's here, 

I'm still here"

Now, the Master of Sondheim in my opinion, Julie Wilson, that I had the immense chance to meet in London. Her "I'm still here" is the best ever for me... (PS. She was over 75 for that recording...)

Thursday 11 July 2013

"Loving you" - About unconditional love... Sondheim

I have a few passions in life. One of them is the Musicals by Stephen Sonheim. One of the most suprising is called "Passion". Story was initially a strange film with Bernard Giraudeau a few years back, from Ettore Scola, Passione d'Amore. One of the most beautiful unconditional love songs ever wrote in my humble opinion...

"Loving you is not a choice, it's who I am.
Loving you is not a choice and not much reason to rejoice,
But it gives me purpose, gives me voice to say to the world:
This is why I live, you are why I live.

Loving you is why I do the things I do
Loving you is not in my control.
But loving you, I have a goal for what's left of my life...
I would live, and I would die for you."